After wowing us with the splendid Sundowner Sessions, this is John Massoni’s first full-length studio album. Once again Massoni shows his love for experimenting with sound and this more than shows in his work. His use of samples and their arrangement makes you believe he could almost be tweaking and looping as the music is being played, such is their spontaneity, yet the songs have such atmosphere and depth that there's no way this could be 'off the cuff' experimentation, could it? Ex Spacemen 3 main man Pete Kember -- also of Spectrum and E.A.R. -- features on this album with a mix of 'Spirits', bringing his unique skills to the partnership that brought us John Massoni & Sonic Boom The Sundowner Sessions.
Track Listing
Happy Days
Winged Spirit
Long Day of Neglect
Clouds from Above Come Down
Memory As Flame
Across the Unknown