The Enid & Robert John Godfrey
The Music of William Arkle & other recoridngs.
Excerpt from sleeve notes by Professor Bruce Charlton:
William Arkle, who was called Bill by his friends, was born in 1924, and died in 2000. As well as composing music Arkle was a spiritual philosopher, painter, poet, teacher and visionary.
"Bill Arkle was a friend of the writer Colin Wilson and attracted a small group of dedicated students. During the nineteen seventies he published two books, was the subject of a local television documentary and collaborated with the progressive rock band
The Enid. However, despite this modest celebrity; Arkle was
never famous and he remains an obscure figure. (The figure whom Arkle most brings to my mind is that other visionary Englishman; William Blake who died in almost equal obscurity but is now recognised as one of the greatest lyrical poets and also an influential illustrator)."